The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria: We share a global experience for transformation in times of crisis

мар. 25, 2020News0 коментари

Mary Mesaglio for the three magic ingredients to successful change

As leaders of various business organizations in our country, the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB) accepts as their responsibility sharing of topics and discussions related to the activity and wide international contacts of the organization. Women leaders decided to begin this process of sharing exactly on March 25. They choose the optimistic symbolism of the great Christian Holidays of the Annunciation, conceived as the day of the god news and of the power of femininity.

At this moment, when the world is set in a dynamic changing environment, and the business is realizing that right now the exchange of valuable experience, knowledge and skills can cushion the dramatic effects of the global economic crisis caused  by CoVid 19, we share the “transformation recipe” of Mary Mesaglio.

With 23 years’ experience in the IT industry, Mary Mesaglio – Honorary Vice President of the consulting company Gartner, presented to Bulgarian business ladies in leadership positions her “recipe” with three magic ingredients.

image1Mary Mesaglio highlighted, first the clear direction of transformation and the need for each leader to begin the change by explaining ” We leave from point A and get to point B, therefore”.  She considers that transformation should be implemented as a gradual process of change in the corporate culture: implementation of many small, positive changes in an organization. Thus, will be possible to simultaneously improve the efficiency and satisfaction of the employees. And third, the principles of transformation must follow its goals. It is important not to be general but specific and unequivocal so that they will be not interpreted differently by different people. For example, “Doing the best for the customer” is a message that customers can understand according to their needs and profile – while for some, the quality of service is important, others appreciate the lower cost or speed.

At the end of the meeting, Mary Mesaglio said that she did not support the claim that people were not coping well or quickly enough with the changes. “Every person’s life is changing overnight, when they have children, for example, but most people are dealing with the big change within a short space of time. She said that the most important thing is motivation, emphasizing that with good communication the motivation increased, because transformation must be implemented.


The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria

CWBB is an association of social value, whose main causes are to establish and promote good practices and programs for encourage the professional development of women in small and medium sized business and career development, support of young professionals into realizing their potential in Bulgaria and development of projects aimed at promoting business and developing talent in different business areas. With over 100 corporate and individual members, the association brings together senior executives with solid experience in management and corporate culture, technology and education who stand by their name and expertise behind Council initiatives.

Mary Mesaglio is an honorary Vice President of Gartner Research and Consulting. Her researches are focused on supporting businesses to transform, implement innovations and change their culture. Mesaglio’s publications include “Introduction to the four psychological hotspots”, “The three magical ingredients of transformation,” “A guide to changing company culture,” and more. Her research also focuses on creativity and how to develop a creative culture, and how to harness neuroscience to lead teams and change behaviors. Mary Mesaglio is a lecturer with an international standing and has performed in the North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.


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Women In Business