Leadership Academy "We Succeed in Bulgaria"

Academy for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

National internship initiative

Academy for Start-up Entrepreneurs BASE


Our goal

“Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria” is an association engaged in public benefit, whose main objectives are to promote good practices and programs to encourage the professional development of women in small and medium businesses and their growth in management positions, support of young professionals, to realize their potential in Bulgaria and develop projects to promote business and develop talent in various business areas.

With more than 180 corporate and individual members, the association brings together leading managers with solid experience in management and corporate culture, technology and education, who stand behind the Council’s initiatives with their name and expertise. “

– Tzvetanka Mincheva
Chair of CWBB


Active members

Total projects

Why is the support of women in business important?

“Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria” is an association engaged in public benefit, whose main objectives are to promote good practices and programs to encourage the professional development of women in small and medium businesses and their growth in management positions, support of young professionals, to realize their potential in Bulgaria and develop projects to promote business and develop talent in various business areas.

board of directors

Meet with

Тsvetanka Mintcheva

Тsvetanka Mintcheva

Board Chair

Dr.-Ing. Boriana Manolova

Dr.-Ing. Boriana Manolova

Board member

Gergana Ivanova

Gergana Ivanova

Board member


latest news


последни новини



Препоръчвам Лидерска академия на всяка жена, която иска да развива своя потенциал. Академията значително надхвърли очакванията ми и нямам търпение да участвам и в други проекти на Съвета. ”

Елена Чапалова

Основател, Здрав сън

“ Не съм и предполагала, че темата може да е толкова всеобхватна и значима за ежедневното ни общуване. С нетърпение очаквах всяка следваща среща с лекторите и участниците, защото за мен Академията беше вдъхновяваща и изпълнена с нови знания, които ми помогнаха да влагам смисъл в разбирането ми за равнопоставеност не само от правен аспект. Радвам се, че имах възможността да се включа в първото издание на Академията за „Многообразие, равнопоставеност и приобщаване“ и определено препоръчвам това емоционално преживяване. ”

Антоанета Герджикова

Юрист, Dundee Precious Metals, България

“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipic eksed do eiusmod tempor incidunt labore dolore magna Aliqua.enim minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitaTion ullamco laboris. ”

Freddie Ethan

Senior Martketer


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Women In Business