An Emotional travel with Ani Hira in the 5th training of The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria

мар. 2, 2020News0 коментари

DSC06017The topic “Communication and Charisma” provoked participants to step outside their comfort zone.

“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel “, thought of Maya Angelou, American social activist.

With this Ani Hira, a business development consultant and creator of HUGA BG EOOD, explained why it is important to try to “get into the skin” of our interlocutor in order to be successful in communication.

Ani Hira was a lecturer on training “Communication on Charisma” of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria. The interactive course was held on February 26th at the Siemens Bulgaria office.

DSC06033The power of the report to build a relationship with the interlocuter or the audience, deal with emotional condition for more assurance of presence and impact, building a strong message through personal history and metaphors were among the topics that provoked participants to step outside their comfort zone and share their experiences and thoughts. “It is difficult for each of us to accept and be as we stand at presents”, recognized Ani Hira, giving practical advice on how to control our emotions. “Think of your emotions as a passengers in a car: although they can take you in the back seat as passengers, you are the one behind the wheel “.

DSC06086What is the meaning of communication, what are the principles of a good communicator and what are the factors for building personal charisma were also among the topics discussed during the training. There are different types of charisma – focused, inspiring, well-intentioned and powerful. You can alternate and combine them as long as you respect your personality and goals, as well as the specific situation you are in “, added Ani Hira, giving examples of her extensive corporate experience.

The next training organized by the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, with lecturer Dilyana Docheva, manager of Docheva and Partners, will take place on March 18th.


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