On an official ceremony that took place on 1st August in Grand Hotel Sofia, the Council of women in business announced the beginning of the First Summer Academy “Leaders of the Future”, which is a part of the National Internship Initiative “We are staying in Bulgaria”. In the Academy will participate 30 youths from 11th and 12th grade, as well as students from Bulgarian and foreign universities. The young talents are going to participate in a series of trainings, provided from the companies – members of the Council, that will help them build their skills and take inspiration and know-how from representatives of one of the most successful businesses not only in Bulgaria, but worldwide.
The start of the Summer Academy was given from Dr. eng. Boryana Manolova, chairwoman of the Council. Ms Manolova wished luck to all of the participants, who at the end of the Academy are going to present their own innovative ideas and concepts for solutions to real problems in business and public benefit, for a better future and quality of life in Bulgaria. With their developments they will participate in the national competition “Innovators of the future – Trainees 2016” of CWBB and will compete for a number of awards, including 5 apprenticeships in the European Parliament in Brussels.
“You have the unique chance to experience the most entrepreneurial and most successful people in business in Bulgaria”, urged the youth Irena Sokolova, Deputy Chairperson of the Culture and Media Committee. Use every minute, do not be afraid to try. Every mistake will be another step up the ladder. Make the most of the opportunity that is given to you and take as much as you can”, she advised them in her address.
Among the official guests of the ceremony were Dariya Mavrudieva, Director of Center of training firms to MES, Doctor Andrey Velchev, vice chairman of the Bulgarian youth forum, and Manuela Toteva, participant in the Leadership Academy of the Council. They all gave valuable guidance to the participants and expressed their support and faith in the success of initiatives of this kind, that give the young people a chance to show their qualities and abilities, to enter the world of business and get opportunities for development, good environment and incentives for implementation in Bulgaria.
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