Morning Coffee with the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria

апр. 25, 2023News0 коментари

On April 25, 2023, the third edition of the networking event, Morning Coffee with the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, took place and was dedicated to a topic inspired by our members and the power of shared stories. The initiative was a 60-minute online meeting, with a very dynamic agenda, open to all members of the CWBB and the Alumni Club.

In the first part of the meeting, the participants heard the stories of two successful ladies, Zdravka Ugrinova, Partner in the Law Firm, “Jingov, Guginski, Kyuchukov & Velichkov,” and Irena Bushandrova, Country Manager for Bulgaria, Pedersen & Partners, who shared their stories about situations in which they felt uncomfortable as female professionals because they were underestimated, disrespected, unaccepted. How did they react in this situation? What is the emotion they felt? What are the lessons they learned? What are their tips?

In the second part, each participant was assigned to a breakout online room and had the opportunity to share their story on the topic, reflect on what they had already heard or share valuable experience from a similar situation.

The participants drew conclusions from today’s meeting together, and only part of what was learned and shared included:

  • Respect and authority can be earned with professionalism!
  • Misunderstanding can be universal and not separated between men and women!
  • Let’s know where to draw the line and stand up professionally, with self-confidence and mutual respect!
  • Sharing bitterness that you have experienced helps to purify!

At CWBB, we are confident that the more stories we hear, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we understand. We understand that we are not alone in what we experience. Understanding is one of the first steps to building an inclusive environment that provides opportunities for all.


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Women In Business