Three well-known PR experts were guests to the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria

окт. 25, 2018News0 коментари

  • Alexander Christov, Lyubomir Alamanov and Daniel Kiryakov presented the Center for Analysis and Crisis Communications
  • The lack of communication is a precondition for a crisis, said the specialists

PR2Three well-known PR specialists – Alexander Christov, Lyubomir Alamanov and Daniel Kiryakov, were guests to an After work event of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria. They presented the newly created Center for Analysis and Crisis Communications and commented on how to communicate in the case of a crisis.

Lyubomir Alamanov presented the new trends– the role of social media that accelerate the crisis and the fact that nowadays everybody could be a journalist. He highlighted that the lack of communications is a precondition for a crisis. “When you are in the middle of a crisis you have to think beyond the standard rules”, stated Daniel Kiryakov. According to Alexander Christov it is very important to manage the crisis where it began and to not allow it to spread. He recommended keeping calm in case of crisis because panic prevents you from making correct assessment.

The good approach in case of crisis requires regularly giving information to the media so that they do not seek it from unregulated sources. The three speakers agreed that is such situations there should to be one spokesperson and it is best if that is the leader of the organization.

Lyubomir Alamanov pointed out to the role of prevention – that the analysis of risk should be at the core of every company’s activity. Prevention procedures require the company to maintain permanent relations with media as well as its own high reputation.

In conclusion, the three experts gave their recommendations what to do in the case of crisis. The most important is Not to lie. They stressed that lies always deepen the crisis. In such a situation, it is also important to keep calm and to offer an apology. And last but not least, the founders  of the Center for Analysis and Crisis Communication advise: If a crisis happens, be sure to be first and foremost people.


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