The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria awarded young entrepreneurs

апр. 28, 2017News0 коментари

For a second consecutive year, the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB) rewarded the best young entrepreneurs during the traditional annual fair of the training companies. XX International fair of the training firms – TF Fest 2017, took place last week in the 6th conference hall of the International fair-Plovdiv. This year the contest „Best cooperation with a firm-mentor“ was entirely judged by representatives of the Council as the awards include training sessions and visits of the companies members of the CWBB, through which the winners will have the opportunity to face their activity and working processes.

„The partnership with the Centre of the training firms is the next step to support the national platform of the Council „We succeed in Bulgaria“, whose purpose is to extend the possibilities for successful start and career realization of the young professionals within the country. As one of the largest global and nationally represented companies, we share our rich business experience in order to foster young entrepreneurs to establish the next successful companies in Bulgaria. Creating better conditions for professional development, we enable the youth not only to work in the companies – members of the Council, but to launch an own business“, stated Valentina Dikanska, CEO of CWBB.

In the rivalry among the participants the students from the National Trade and Banking High School, Sofia and these from the Professional High School of Economics and Management “Elias Kaneti”, Rousse, demonstrated highest results. They proved their skills presenting the training firms successfully managed by them. The training companies are variation of the practically oriented professional education that provide students with useful knowledge about the business environment without executing real money and goods movement. The participants obtain professional and technical abilities in the field of economy, information and communication technologies, native and foreign languages for the needs of administration and business communication as well as social and teamwork skills. Training firms stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit among the future leaders and develop their keynote competencies. In the last few years these training organisations in Bulgaria unite the concept for traditional practical professional education concerning the administration, the trade and the finance with the principles of the dual system.


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Women In Business