The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria brought together institutions, business and media in the discussion forum “Security and Sustainability of Bulgarian Business and Politics”

окт. 5, 2016News0 коментари


  • 38% of law-making in the National Assembly is focused on improving the business environment in Bulgaria
  • The business environment is considered to be stable but still in need of reform; promise of permanent presure for adequate actions has been made


The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria conducted today a discussion forum titled “Security and Sustainability of Bulgarian Business and Politics”, organized under the patronage of Mrs. Tsetska Tsacheva, Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Republic of Bulgaria. In a series of panel discussions representatives of the business, political elite and media in the country were seeking for answers in terms of improving the Bulgarian investment attractiveness and enhancing the quality of life. The participants of the forum were discussing the following topics “Dynamics of the geopolitical environment and its reflection on Bulgarian business”, “Sustainability and perspectives for development of economic environment in Bulgaria” and “The role of media in ensuring and supporting the security”. This is the first event, part of the series of discussion forums, organized by the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria and concerning current problems in the field of business, education, stability and infrastructure.


„Bulgaria needs political stability and structural reforms so that we can guarantee an economic growth. The companies in the country are aware of the regional, European and worldwide happenings and they are not just requiring but demonstrating readiness to collaborate with the politicians in order to prevent further negative consequences”, shared Mrs. Boriana Manolova, Chairwoman of the Management Board in The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria and CEO of Siemens Bulgaria. „I would like to thank Mrs. Tsacheva for accepting our invitation and supporting our cause that we all believe could establish an effective dialogue between the participants in public, political and business life in Bulgaria”, she added.


„I am convinced of the power and the effectiveness of the dialogue as a way to overcome crisis and to make responsible decisions. This is the only useful instrument for breaking through the differences and looking for a path towards our common aim”, as Mrs. Tsetska Tsacheva, Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Republic of Bulgaria, called on the participants. „Security is a notion with multiple meanings. On behalf of my colleagues I persuade you that the improvement of the business environment in Bulgaria is one of our priorities and stays at the core of our actions, representing 38% of law-making in the National Assembly”, she resumed.

The main discussions in the three panels were led by Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov – Chairman of the Commission of national security and public order, Mrs. Menda Stoyanova – Chairwoman of Budget and Finance Committee in the National Assembly, and Mrs. Mariya Stoyanova – Chairwoman of Council of Electronic Media. They put the focus on the prospects for dynamic development of geopolitical stability and its effect on the economy as well as the role of the media in the environment establishment. The participants talked about the factors which influence the sustainable political and economic climate and called on the public leaders and experts to unite for this cause. According to the business there is a strong necessity for a resistant political environment that can guarantee transparent and fair business conditions as well as protection of the individuals’ interests.


“The majority of the Bulgarian businesses can take advantage of all the complex geopolitical processes happening at the moment”, Mr. Tsvetanov opened the political panel: “We all understand that we cannot run any business unless there is stability and security in political and business environment in the country, but we have to look at the external challenges, observe them as potential possibilities and be creative so that we can benefit from them”, he added.


Mrs. Menda Stoyanova provoked business representatives to comment on whether the tax system and social insurance should be changed, whether we have used up their full potential and how they can be improved. „In the last year the remunerations in the private sector are higher than these in the public one, but we shouldn’t forget to take care of the quality of manpower. Therefore, a deep Education reform is extremely important, not only to provide with trained staff, but also to impose the dual education so that to enable the development of industry in the country”, said The Chairwoman of Budget and Finance Committee.


In her turn, The Chairwoman of Council of Electronic Media – Mrs. Mariya Stoyanova addressed the journalists with an invocation: “Trust me, it is worth the risk not to be first but to be accurate in the information spreading. Since the adoption of the Social Media in our everyday life, it’s been your duty as traditional media to stay rigid and to deter yourselves from releasing information without being sure of its objectivity and source”. The participants in the panel came all to the conclusion that the objectivity stands at the base of making the citizens feel more safe and secure and that it represents one of the main responsibilities for the sake of which Media needs to struggle for.

“Today it is clear that everyone has a responsible task to fulfill, tasks which could influence positively the policy and the economy of the country”, Mrs. Manolova resumed at the end of the conference. “The challenge for the politicians is to work hard for establishing profitable economic conditions that will transform Bulgaria into an attractive destination for the national and foreign investors. Business has also its important role of founder of workplaces who possesses the tools for retaining young people. In its turn, Media has to step in building the best image and sending straight messages towards them. We should be united in the sake of the bright future of our country”, she finished.


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