New Series of Trainings of Organized by the Council of Women Began

фев. 4, 2016News0 коментари

How to dress in order to succeed? What is the suitable dress code for different occasions? How to combine clothing and accessories? All of those questions were answered at the training “Business Etiquette for Professionals” organized by the Council of Business Women in Bulgaria. The lecturer Christina Krancheva give valuable tips and practical examples on ways to make a good professional impression.

„First impression is formed within seconds”, said Kruncheva during the training.

After the end of the training, the feedback from the participants was very positive.

“The course went extremely well and was very enjoyable,” shared Sofia Vulcheva. “The information was presented in a very intriguing and fun way,” she said.

The course was “extremely useful and presented in a systematic way” according to Ralitsa Krusteva.IMG_3116

“The course was practical. There were plenty of opportunities for discussion. Everything was explained with examples. The time just flies during the course. The lecturer is extremely fascinating,” said Miroslava Alexandrova.

The course in business etiquette has three parts and it is a part of the additional training offered by the Council for the participants in the Leadership Academy and others.


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