The new edition of the networking format “Morning Coffee with CWBB” is coming on October 9th

Sep 27, 2024Новини0 comments

Purpose of the meeting

The main objective of the networking events of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB) is to stimulate acquaintance and relationships between the members of the organization, as well as to promote active communication and sharing.

“Morning coffee with the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria” is an initiative of CWBB and is a 60-minute online meeting for all members of CWBB and the Alumni Club with a very dynamic program. In addition to presenting an interesting and useful topic for the participants, the program also includes short group discussions in break-out online rooms with a small number of participants. The goal is to give an opportunity to get to know and talk with more members of the CWBB. For each group discussion, a specific topic is set, on which participants share ideas, experience, inspiration.

Program (60 minutes):

Welcome 5 minutes
Important information from Hristina Staneva, executive director of SZHBB about the activities and initiatives of the organization.10 minutes
Introduction to the topic “Leadership Journey and Lifelong Learning” by Vladimir Borachev, Certified and Accredited Coach (Professional Certified Coach, PCC) at the International Coaching Federation (ICF), visiting lecturer in the Executive Master’s Program (EMBA) ) of the American University in Bulgaria.15 minutes
Discussions in virtual break-out rooms 25 minutes
Key Takeaways  5 minutes


“Leadership is a journey of self-discovery and constant improvement. The sooner we realize this, the more successful we will be”, believes the special guest of “Morning Coffee” Vladimir Borachev. How to achieve conscious leadership with a cool MIND and a warm HEART? And why should new knowledge go beyond purely expert development and improvement? We will seek answers through discussions about the journey of leaders who never stop learning.

After the presentation of the topic, each participant will be assigned to a break-out online room with several other participants and a moderator. Discussions within the “Morning Coffee with the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria” will not be recorded, so that each attendee will be in a “safe environment” to share. The moderator will lead the discussion and observe the opportunity for each participant to speak. After the end of the session in the online break-out rooms, all participants will be transferred to the common room for conclusions and conclusions.

How to prepare

To be sure that you will have the opportunity to actively participate in the discussions during the meeting, please think about the following questions in advance:

What new skills have you acquired in the last year?

How do the companies you represent stimulate the development of skills that are not directly related to your work and daily commitments?

We invite you to share the challenges you encounter as well as the good practices you implement.

Registration to participate

Participation in the meeting is free, but requires prior registration by October 8, 2024.



Women In Business