
А1 България ЕАД

А1, част от A1 Group, е водещ доставчик на дигитални услуги и телекомуникационни решения в ‎България. Компанията предоставя мобилни и фиксирани услуги, високоскоростен интернет, цифрова ‎и сателитна телевизия, включително четири собствени спортни канала, платежни услуги, собствена ‎платформа за музикален стрийминг, cloud и IoT решения на 5 милиона клиенти. През 2018 г. A1 ‎България отчита приходи от 446,2 милиона евро, а сравнимата EBITDA e 138 милиона евро.‎ A1 Group оперира в седем държави и има повече от 24 млн. клиенти. Компанията предлага ‎решения, които улесняват дигиталния начин на живот и свързват хората, компаниите и нещата ‎около нас навсякъде и по всяко време. Групата разполага със стабилен акционер в лицето на ‎América Móvil – третият по големина доставчик на мобилни услуги в света. Компанията е представлявана от Миглена Узунова-Цекова, Старши директор „Човешки ресурси“ и член на Лидерския екип на А1 България‎

А1 лого


AГЛИКА е семейна компания, създадена през 1968 г. като текстилен и мебелен производител. Стартирали като специалисти в производството на висококачествени хавлиени кърпи, разширихме асортимента през годините, като въведохме технологични линии за производство на различни видове одеала, а от 2016-а – и на постелъчно бельо. Всички продуктови групи се характеризират с вътрефирмено “ноу-хау” и революционни иновации в параметрите на изделията, с което компанията ни придоби позиции на предпочитан и ценен производител в Европа и Америка. 

Представител в Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България е Елица Петкова, маркетинг директор Аглика Трейд ООД.

А1 лого


„АКВАБАР“ ООД е първата и единствената фирма в България, която извършва студена пастьоризация на храни и напитки под високо налягане. С високо хидростатично налягане до 6000 бара се отстраняват всички патогени в хранителните продукти (листерия, салмонела, ешерихия коли и др.). Технологията се прилага върху вече опаковани продукти и осигурява най-високо ниво на безопасност. Същевременно свежестта, витамините и хранителните качества на продуктите се запазват. Срокът на годност се удължава, като отпада нуждата от влагане на добавки и консерванти. Резултатът е безопасен хранителен продукт със запазено качество, удължен срок на годност и чист етикет.

„АКВАБАР“ ООД работи с производители от различни хранително-вкусови сектори, като предоставя услугата за студена пастьоризация на техните продукти, вкл. месни продукти, мокри салати и разядки, готови храни, напитки и други.

Accenture Bulgaria EOOD

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions — underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network — Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 469,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Since 2015 Accenture has a Technological Center in Bulgaria. With its offices in Sofia and Plovdiv, the company counts 200 people and continue to grow, investing in human capital and talents development. Represented by Petar Torneff – Deputy ATC (Accenture Technology Center) Director.   Visit us at
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Arte. doc

Translation agency arte.doc helps Bulgarian and foreign companies receive expert translation and interpretation services in 36 languages, on time and with maintained confidentiality.

Since 2007 arte.doc is a main supplier of Bulgarian translations for the European Commission and the Translation Center for the EU. The company is also a member of the European translation association ELIA.

Most companies have issues with receiving their translations on time and in the specific terminology. Based on 23 years of professional experience arte.doc solves these problems by following procedures compliant with European translation standard ISO 17100:2015-05.

The agency is represented by Tanya Karabasheva, Managing owner of arte. doc.


АРТЕКС ИНЖЕНЕРИНГ АД е изцяло българска строително-инвестиционнакомпания, работеща в София и за София от 1993 г. Позиционирана в най-високия сегмент на пазара на недвижими имоти, тя проектира и реализиражилищни и офис сгради, частни домове и хотели; строи храмове иреконструира културни паметници. Със сгради – синтез на достолепието накласиката и духа на съвремието, с качество над очакванията инепроменимо във времето, със следване на принципитена устойчиваархитектура, АРТЕКС съчетава интересите на околната среда и на града,неизменно служейки на човешкото щастие.

Представител в Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България е арх. Весела Мирянова – председател на Съвета на директорите – Ареткс Инженеринг АД.

Asarel-Medet JSC

Asarel-Medet Mining and Processing Complex is the first, largest and leading Bulgarian mining company for open pit mining and processing of copper and other types of ores. Asarel-Medet JSC is a joint-stock company with a core activity open pit mining and processing of copper and other types of ores, biochemical leaching of copper and the engineering and trade activities associated with it. The company performs research, engineering implementation, design engineering, environmental and other services.


ASSIST in figures and facts: Bulgarian family owned company, founded in 2001. Production and logistics headquarters in Sofia. Trained and certified partners in the country. Certified according to: BDS EN ISO 2001: 2015; BDS EN ISO 27001 and BDS EN ISO 14000. Member of Confindustria Bulgaria and IDA-USA. In 2009 – BOSEI award from the Japanese government for quality process management. In 2017 ASSIST started a process of reengineering and establishment of a special unit for service and out-of-warranty maintenance. In 2018 ASSIST received the prestigious award from the International Doors Association in the USA as the best “International Dealer of the Year” ASSIST offers engineering, manufacture, delivery, installation and service support of: Automatic entrance doors Automatic garage doors – residential and industrial Automatic barriers and parking systems Modular parking buildings from steel construction Gate automation Smart home system solutions Access control for cars and pedestrians Entrance mats Antibacterial protection for the interior Innovative waste collection systems for standard, cytotoxic and biological waste Loading and unloading equipment High-speed PVC doors and strip curtains Hangar doors Specialized doors for medical facilities and clean rooms Representative of ASSIST EOOD in CWBB: Dipl.eng. Dorina Dobreva – Manager

Астра Зенека България ЕООД

Като глобална биофармацевтична компания АстраЗенека има значим принос за откриването, разработването и маркетирането на иновативни медикаменти във важни терапевтични области като сърдечно-съдови заболявания, диабет, онкологични и респираторни заболявания. В България АстраЗенека присъства повече от 50 години в лицето на своите предшественици Zeneca PLC и ICI, и е една от динамично и бързо развиващите се компании пред последните години. АстраЗенека разгръща социално-отговорни инициативи, насочени към подобряване здравето и качеството на живот и разгръщане потенциала на младите хора. Компанията се представлява в СЖББ от Зоя Паунова – Изпълнителен директор на Астра Зенека България


Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of health care and nutrition. Its products and services are designed to help people and planet thrive by supporting efforts to master the major challenges presented by a growing and aging global population. Bayer is committed to drive sustainable development and generate a positive impact with its businesses. Bayer Bulgaria is primarily a marketing and sales organization focused on pharmaceutical, consumer health, crop science products and seeds.

Bayer is represented by by Mrs Lyuba Paunova, Manager. 

Benefit Systems Bulgaria OOD

Benefit Systems is an expert in the provision of sports services to corporate clients. Since 2001  the company has been offering the MultiSport program in the European market. MultiSport is a sports card that gives access to many sports venues and a variety of sports and recreational activities. MultiSport is available in 6 European countries – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece and has more than 1 000 000 users in Europe. In 2015 we decided to enter Bulgaria and revolutionise the way companies are motivating their teams. The MultiSport program connects independent fitness and sports clubs with employers and their employees. MultiSport supports employers in their efforts to attract and retain their employees. The idea behind MultiSport’s business concept is to offer a work-life balance. We believe that happy employees are above all productive employees. The company is developing very dynamically and for 4 years over 2000 companies have trusted us and more than 80,000 employees are playing sport with the MultiSport cards. We are changing the environment we live in, by making sport activities accessible and encouraging more healthy and active lifestyle.

Business Intellect EOOD

Lydia Shouleva is a business and financial consultant with more than 30 years of experience. In 1991 she establishes the consulting company Business Intellect. Business Intellect provides professional consultancy and coaching services. The activity is aimed at supporting the efforts of companies and their leaders toward success. The specialists of the company will help you to find the right direction and approach to overcoming the challenges you face in today’s dynamically changing world. The specialized services are related to leadership development through coaching, mentoring and team training. Coaching provides you with focus, direction and helps to improve your performance and develop your skills to motivate and inspire people around you and under your guidance. Clients of Business Intellect are enterprises of almost all industries. Lydia Shouleva is a member of the CWBB and also a member of the governing body.

Brain Storm Consult

BRAIN STORM CONSULT is the trademark of a group of enterprises that operate in the field of overall management of the business processes of their customers. As part of the business network of over 8000 companies established by BRAIN STORM CONSULT, every new customer or partner having joined this BUSINESS UNIVERSE receives a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE in its field of operations.

BRAIN STORM CONSULT has prospered for 25 years and has the unique advantage of closing the range of services internationally so as to offer its customers complete freedom, security and information availability in order to safely manage their business in the best way possible.

BRAIN STORM CONSULT have their own offices in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Sliven and Sandanski and a distribution network throughout the country. The company is a single and independent member of an international network of accountants, auditors and lawyers TAG(TIAG) Alliances, which holds 3th place on the world ranking list since 2012. CUSTOMERS enjoying BRAIN STORM CONSULT’S services now exceed 1000. The number of employees is 95, who are highly qualified professionals in almost all areas of business.

In its development BRAIN STORM CONSULT always combines high quality and innovation.  Cryptocurrencies accounting, affiliate programs, drop shipping are part of the company’s portfolio. The latest offer for the customers is DIGITAL ACCOUNTING with full analytics of automated operations, obtaining 100% of the entered and accounted information from a scanned document. This is possible thanks to company own financial and accounting software Mirage SQL, which is unique in its kind at an affordable price.

Brain Storm Consult

Brentag Bulgaria EOOD

The company has been on the Bulgarian market since 2002 and is global leader in the distribution of a wide range of chemical raw materials and functional additives in many of the well-known industries that drive the world economy. At the same time works to make employees feel part of a truly different, dynamic, evolving and supportive environment. We work both for building sustainable and long terms partnerships, and for building skills and competencies within employees, so that they themselves are the best professionals and people who have developed the skills of the future, related to creativity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking and communication skills. Brentag Bulgaria is a company that develops people’s potential and, thanks to people-oriented management, contributes so that skills of the future are part of the present.  This guarantees the company sustainable development and interactions at all levels. – We are strong leadership team that is constantly looking for ways to grow and develop both personally and professionally at all levels – from the global company to the individual employee; – We are energetic and like-minded colleagues who know each other well and share company values as our own; –  We are professionals who are truly dedicated by heart and mind as we know it’s not simply a job, but our contribution and work is meaningful and worthy – for the society, for the customers, even for our families; –  We care about each other no matter age,  experience, knowledge or interests as development is important for all and we want to provide it even through individual approach so that everybody gets what they need! – We believe in SCR and volunteer initiatives as we want to be part of society that respects integrity and sustainability; – We also provide different activities for our family members and especially kids as we know the importance of the family and consider their support, wellbeing and involvement equally important.

Ватия Холдинг АД

“Ватия Холдинг” АД е холдингово дружество. Основният предмет на дейност е добив и преработка на индустриални минерали, извършване на геоложки изследвания, търсене и проучвания на подземни богатства. “Ватия Холдинг” АД притежава концесии за осем находища на кварцова суровина, фелдшпати, кварцови пясъци, доломити, талк, глини и други. Холдинговата структура обединява няколко дружества – “Ватия Трейдинг” ЕООД, “Геоминерал” АД, “Булгармин инженеринг” АД, “Ватия Кварц” АД и още “Ватия” АД, което е едно от най-старите предприятия в страната за добив и преработка на индустриални минерали и съществува от 50-те години на миналия век.

Компанията се представлява от Люба Кожухарова – председател на Съвета на директорите

VIALTO Partners

„Виалто Партнърс България“ ЕООД е компания със самостоятелен бизнесза Global Mobility услуги, отделяйки се от “ПрайсуотърхаусКупърс” през2023. Фирмата е мултинационална, представена в повече от 150 странидиректно или чрез подизпълнители. От настоящия им екип от 8 души, 7 садами – дейни, инициативни, енергични и отдадени на работата, иразвитието си, на семействата си и общността.

Представител в Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България е Мина Капсъзова, директор на VIALTO Partners България.


The company has been operating on the Bulgarian market since 1992 and has been known to consumers in Bulgaria for more than ten years under the Vivacom brand. It is known on the Bulgarian market as a trusted provider with a complete portfolio of telecom solutions for the needs of every household, business or institution. The company offers mobile and fixed voice services, optical Internet, satellite and interactive television of the latest generation, as well as a number of innovative services in the field of Internet of Things and smart cities. The telecom also operates its own satellite station, Plana, which broadcasts radio and television signals and data on three continents – Asia, Africa and Europe.

Vivacom is a leader in the telecom market in terms of fifth generation networks – it has the fastest 5G network in Bulgaria1 based on the Ookla® analysis of Speedtest Intelligence®, and also the largest 5G network in the country2 with coverage in over 220 settlements and resorts. The telecom also offers high-speed fixed internet in the first in Bulgaria 10 Gbps optical network3.

As a socially responsible company, Vivacom supports a number of socially significant projects in the field of education, charity and environmental protection, united in the Vivacom Fund platform.

Since 2020, Vivacom is part of the United Group – the leading provider of telecommunications and media services in Southeast Europe.

1. According to an Ookla® analysis based on data from Speedtest Intelligence® for 01.07.-31.12.2021, valid only for the fastest 5G network. Ookla trademarks are used with permission.

2. The largest coverage of the 5G network after a comparison of publicly available information as of 07.01.22 for the coverage of operators by number of settlements and resorts. More on

3. Speeds up to 10 Gbps in parts of Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Burgas and Varna. For technical possibility and more information –

VP Brands International AD

A regional leader in the production of wines and spirits, successfully selling its products in more than 40 markets worldwide. The company manages over 20 thousand acres of vineyards and invests constantly in cutting-edge technologies, builds modern production units and implements marketing and commercial practices, which makes the company synonymous with standard in the industry. The company employs over 1000 professionals, and over the years, the team led by Ivan Papazov has built, established and maintained the leadership positions of VP Brands International in an extremely competitive market. Today, key brands such as Flirt vodka, Cave brandy, Mint Cave, Mastic Cave are emblematic of their categories and a key player in the market.
VP Brands лого

Dinova Rusev & Partners Law Office

Dinova Rusev & Partners is one of the leading full service law firms offering a wide range of legal services many of which are among the top practices in Bulgaria – Banking & Finance, Corporate, M&A, Commercial, Competition & Antitrust, Energy and Environmental, Administrative and Employment law, Construction and Real Estate, Dispute Resolution. We offer solution based advice tailored to the specific business needs of our clients – we not only advise on the law, but also understand our clients’ goals and offer practical solutions. We walk the extra mile with our clients – large multinational organizations, banks, financial institutions, private funds, local businesses and private investments, and build sustainable relationships with them. The company is represented by lawyer Diana Valkova, partner.
VP Brands лого

Дочева и партньори ЕООД

Нашата цел е да помагаме на клиентите си да постигат своята визия  и устойчив успех, като реализират най-важните си цели и оползотворят лидерския потенциал на хората си. Визията ни е да сме лидери в иновациите, заедно с клиентите си да постигаме изключителното и да поддържаме среда, в която индивидуалните таланти процъфтяват. Услугите ни: Организационно консултиране Помагаме ви да формулирате мисията и стратегията, да управлявате културата на организацията си, да реализирате систематично най-важните си цели и да синхронизирате системите и процесите си със своята визия. Развитие и обучение Помагаме да постигнете вашите бизнес цели, като развиете потенциала на хората ви и да ги снабдите с мисленето, уменията и инструментите, необходими за днешните предизвикателства. Лидерски акселератори Иновативен формат, който пести времето ви за проучване на важните теми днес, провокира ви с идеи и ви снабдяват с ресурси. Ние сме една от първите в страната консултантски и обучителни фирми в управлението и организационното развитие, основана през 2008 г.

VP Brands лого

Dundee Precious Metals Chelopech EAD

Dundee Precious Metals is an international mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of precious metals properties. In Bulgaria the company develops the underground copper-gold mine Chelopech – the only mine in the world with 100% reliable wi-fi coverage at 600 m below ground – and the open-pit mine Ada tepe located in Krumovgrad – the first greenfield mine in Bulgaria in the last four decades. We developed and mine the most modern mines in the country. Following our commitment to the team, we invest in professional qualifications and create an environment enhancing innovations in the global industry. With care to the health and safety of people and the sustainability of the regions where we operate, we create future for Bulgaria. The company is represented by Irena Tsakova, Director of Legal and licensing activities
Dundee Precious Metals лого

DXC Technology България

DXC Technology e американска компания с над 130 000 служители цял свят,предоставяща IT услуги на над 6 000 клиента от цял свят. Почтиполовината Fortune 500 компании са нейни клиенти, като и DXC Technologye член на тази престижна класация. В България компанията е най-големиятIT работодател с 4 200 служители с офиси в София и Варна.Позиционирани са като основна и стратегическа локация за глобалнопредоставяне на целия спектър от IT услуги в Европа. Портфолиото ѝобхваща услуги от AI, Security, Cloud&ITO, Workplace support, Analytics,Application development and integration and support, Network, като екипите ѝса способни да предложат решение и консултации, имплементация иподдръжка на всяка ИТ инфраструктура и апликация.

Представител в Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България е Мария Шаркова, управляващ директор на DXC Technology България.

Dundee Precious Metals лого

EVN Bulgaria EAD

EVN Bulgaria Group is part of EVN Group. The leading company in this group is EVN AG which is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange and holds strong positions on the European energy markets. The headquarters of EVN AG is located in the largest Austrian federal province – Lower Austria. EVN Bulgaria was established after privatization of the energy companies in Plovdiv and in Stara Zagora in the early 2005. Initially EVN Bulgaria group focused on distribution and sale of electricity in Southeast Bulgaria. In 2007, EVN Bulgaria expanded its activity, covering the areas: heat supply in Plovdiv and trade with energy and CO2 emissions in Bulgaria and Southeast Europe. Since 2009 EVN Bulgaria started to implement also projects in the field of renewable energy sources. The company is an active participant on the free electricity market in Bulgaria, following the stages of liberalization over the years. As a part of an international group of companies with established traditions in the utility sector, we at EVN Bulgaria focus our knowledge and energy towards more responsible attitude to the environment and saving of resources. Together with our employees, customers and partners we promote values for sustainable development of a modern and responsible community. Representing the group of EVN Bulgaria are: • Kalina Trifonova, Deputy Chairman of the the Board of Directors of EVN Bulgaria EAD • Mihaela Mihailova-Dyorfler, Deputy Chairman of the the Board of Directors of EVN Bulgaria Elektrosnabdiavane EAD
Dundee Precious Metals лого

Euro-Alliance Ltd.

EURO-ALLIANCE LTD. is a Bulgarian company, established in 1999, a major provider of educational and translation services. It has its own base in the city of Plovdiv and an office in the city of Sofia for organizing and conducting training, providing logistics and translation services. Basic activities: Professional translation services; Foreign language training; Specialized staff training; Vocational training – licensed Center at NAVET with 28 professional fields; Training for raising the qualification of teachers in programmes approved by the Ministry of Education and Science; Licensed Tour Operator – logistics in conducting trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences; Development and implementation of projects under National and International programmes; Certified according to BDS EN ISO 9001:2015, BDS EN 15038:2015; Since 2020, it is a main executor of Framework Agreements with the Ministry of Finance for the provision of specialized legal translation services in international / arbitration cases, and translation and interpretation for the needs of the Executive Authorities and their administrations. EURO-ALLIANCE LTD. is represented in the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria by Stela Koeva – Manager.

Edutech AD

EDUTECH AD concentrates its work in the field of the educational sector. It includes Educational Technology ™ trading companies with headquarters in Sofia and offices in 20 cities in Bulgaria. The main activity is delivering courses to children and students in foreign language, preparation for applying to high school after 7th grade; final examinations after 12th grade and preparation for applying to Bulgarian and foreign universities. The exam preparation programme is based on the author’s unique teaching materials, system and extended methodology. The teaching process is accompanied by motivational lectures.  Moreover, personal development courses for different ages are organized under the “Leader in Me” programme. There are also trainings, certified with the International Certificate of Public Speaking and Commercial Skills under the European Certification Framework Xpert personal business skills (PBS) for certification of personal and social competences – communication skills. Edutech AD has two private schools in Sofia – a secondary school and a highschool: Private Secondary School “Educational Technologies” and Private High School “Educational Technologies”. In both private schools the educational process is based on the author’s unique programme and the emphasis is on the personal development of each student. The high school is licensed to teach students key competences and soft skills through the author’s unique personal development programme,  leading to confidence and striving for personal achievement, financial literacy and forms a variety of personal skills in business and social environment. The profiles of the high school are in accordance with the modern requirements for competitiveness – foreign language, information technology and entrepreneurship. At the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, the company is represented by Maria Alexandrova Amzina-Petrova – shareholder and marketing director.

Eco Globe Ltd.

Attorney Bilyana Toncheva is a procurator of Eco Globe Ltd. – a consulting company for preparation of projects, co-financed by the European Union and a holder of licenses for energy audits of buildings and industrial systems. Among the main activities of the company are: – preparation and management of projects under Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness”, Fund for Sustainable Urban Development, Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”, the JESSICA initiative and others; – preparation of conformity assessment for energy efficiency of investment projects; – preparation of certificates for design energy performance of buildings; – inspection and certification of existing buildings for energy efficiency and energy savings assessment; – verification of the energy efficiency of heating installations with boilers and air-conditioning systems in buildings; – energy efficiency audits of industrial and outdoor artificial lighting systems; – preparation of plans for sustainable energy development of municipalities, energy efficiency programs, short and long term programs for promoting the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels, analysis of the energy potential of renewable energy sources (RES) on the territory of the municipalities. The clients of Eco Glob Ltd. are in the field of health care, metal processing, machine manufacture, extraction of aggregates and production of building materials, textile industry, etc., as well as municipalities, municipal and state enterprises. In 2019 the company also opened a branch in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Exquisite Wines EOOD / Augeo Family Estate

Augeo Family Estate is a wine project from Struma Valley, founded by a father-daughter team, who are continuing the work of their ancestors and are taking care of vines with an average age of over 40 years planted with primarily local varieties. They produce exquisite Bulgarian wines in limited series, with high quality and medals won at international competitions on three continents. From Latin augeo means to grow, to develop and to honor. As the name of their brand suggests, they are continuing to develop and go forward, and are continuing to fulfill their mission to create exquisite Bulgarian wines. The company is represented by Gergana Manolova, co-founder.

Енерджи МТ ЕАД

Енерджи МТ ЕАД е българска лицензирана компания, която развива дейност в областта на енергетиката с над десет годишен опит. Дейностите на дружеството включват доставка на електрическа енергия на индустриални потребители по свободно договорени цени; търговия на едро с електроенергия на българския и европейските пазари; координатор на две балансиращи групи; изкупуване на електроенергия от ВЕИ производители. Екипът е изграден от специалисти с дългогодишен опит в енергетиката, които предоставят на своите клиенти експертни оценки, анализи и консултации по въпроси и казуси, свързани с функционирането на пазара на електроенергия в България и нормативната му база. Собственик на дружеството е Румяна Вълканов, PhD.


ZAGORKA AD, part of the HEINEKEN company

ZAGORKA marked a 120-year anniversary since the opening of its brewery in Stara Zagora, which has gradually become a symbol of the city. In 1994 ZAGORKA AD joined the global HEINEKEN family. ZAGORKA is committed to developing its business responsibly through its Sustainability Platform “Brewing a Better World”, focusing its effort in: environment, social sustainability, and responsible consumption.

The company’s portfolio offers a variety of high-quality products – Zagorka, Heineken, Ariana, Birra Moretti, Amstel, Stolichno, Starobrno Desperados, and the Apple Thief Cider and a portfolio of non-alcoholic offers: Zagorka 0.0%, Heineken 0.0 and Ariana Radler 0.0%.

ZAGORKA is the greenest and most responsible company in the beer industry, according to consumers and was awarded for the realization of initiatives such as Zagorka Green Fund, GreenAction, The good here and When You Drink, Never Drive, and others.

The company is represented by Olga Lavrenova, Managing Director.

Златна Панега Цимент АД

Групата Титан разполага със съоръжения за производство на цимент в 10страни и има присъствие в повече от 15 страни. С годишен капацитет от 27милиона метрични тона цимент и циментови материали, в компаниятаработят около 5 400 души по целия свят. Групата Титан работи в Българияповече от 10 години, като е инвестирала в модернизации над 130 млн.евро, „Златна Панега цимент” АД е един от основните производители накачествен цимент в страната. Успехът се дължи на използването на най-добрата съществуваща производствена технология и ноу-хау. Дейността на„Златна Панега цимент АД” допринася към подобряването на стандарта наживот в региона, същевременно подкрепяйки социални и културнидейности, както и опазването на околната среда.

Представител в Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България е Екатерина Шилегарска – мениджър „Опазване на околната среда и устойчиво развитие” в “Златна Панега Цимент” АД.

Research Center Trend

Research Center Trend is one of the leading independent sociological agencies on the Bulgarian market. It was founded in 2016 and is a member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR), Bulgarian Sociological Association and German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Our main activities are in the fields of marketing research, opinion polling and social research, as well as other related consultancy tasks.

We have an interview network across the country with more than 250 interviewers and 27 regional supervisors.

For the last five years ‘’Trend’’ has conducted more than 300 quantitative and qualitative researches.

The company is represented by Evelina Slavkova, sociologist and co-founder of Trend.


InterImage EOOD

Founded in 2008 as a specialized PR & event management structure, Interimage is part of one of the pioneers on Bulgaria’s communications market, Interpartners Group. Launched in 1992 as a full-service advertising agency, over time it has grown as a strong owner-driven player and has developed own sub-brands: apart from Interimage, also WOWVideos and MediaCamp. Its range of services goes across research, creative, media services, digital, PR, event management and employer branding. Interpartners Group clients include Deichmann, Schneider Electric, AUBG, Nedelya, BHTC, INTERSPORT, Britos, Corny, the European Commission, NRA etc. In 2019, Interpartners initiated an own network of partnering agencies in the region, TheBalkanHub.


Interlang – your trusted partner for language services!

Interlang is a technology-driven language services provider with a mission to deliver high quality translation through a customer-centric, partnership approach. 

Offering professional translation and localization services since 1996 Interlang has twenty-five years of experience in the translation market in Bulgaria and Europe. Interlang offers first-class service and cover most of European languages. A project manager, experienced translators, state-of-the-art solutions will all be at your disposal. 

Interlang helps companies and brands translate and localise for Bulgaria and the Balkan region focused on life sciences, law, automotive, manufacturing, energy industry, ICT, electronics, marketing and finance. 

Superbrands Bulgaria 2007

First place award for Best Social Policy by a Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise at the annual CSR awards of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, 2021

The ENGAGE Special Award, designated by the British Embassy for overall employees engagement in a corporate campaign for the benefit of society at the annual CSR awards of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, 2021

Represented by Ani Alexandrova, Director. 


INFINITUS Ltd. was established in 2014 to provide a unique combination of professional project management services to corporate, state, municipal and non-governmental organizations.

The main activity is focused on the development and management of projects under European, regional, national grant and donor programs, financial instruments, PPP and others based on individual approach, competence and longevity.

The company has carried out a number of project management services under Horizon 2020, EUREKA – EUROSTARS, Cross-border Cooperation, EU Operational Programs in Bulgaria, etc.

Denitsa Tsekova – manager with over 20 years of professional experience, member of IPMA (International Project Management Association) Board in Bulgaria, BSDI, etc.

“ЙЕТЕЛ България” ЕАД

“Йетел България“ ЕАД – част от групата на PPF Telecom, е телекомуникационна компания, която свързва над 3 милиона клиенти с хора, устройства и бизнеси. До март месец 2022 г. компанията присъства на българския пазар като „Теленор България“ ЕАД. В своята повече от 20-годишна история на българския пазар компанията натрупва солиден опит в областта на безжичните мрежи, като стартира първата търговска 4G мрежа в България през 2015 г., първата VoLTE услуга през 2018 г. и проправя пътя за развитието на 5G с първия тест на мрежите от пето поколение в страната. Днес „Йеттел България“ ЕАД има повече от 1800 служители, оперира над 180 магазина и осигурява покритие на мобилната мрежа за над 99% от населението на България. В качеството си на работодател, за дружеството е ценно да се запознае с утвърдени добри практики и опит в кариерното развитите и израстване на жените в бизнеса.

„Йеттел България“ ЕАД (Yettel) e представлявано от Михаела Христова Калайджиева, в качеството си на Главен директор „Корпоративна политика“

Kalini Ltd.

KALINI LTD is a tour operator, specializing in business tourism – organizing business trips, conferences, seminars, presentations, company trainings and celebrations, team building, special and theme events, incentive programs. On the Bulgarian tourism market, KALINI LTD is recognized as a company, which offers an overall concept for every event. KALINI LTD has high standards regarding loyalty, creativity, innovation and a specific approach when realizing an event. KALINI’s team can offer you: Experience, creativity and innovation Loyalty and professionalism Individual approach in the organization and realization of every event Compliance with the client’s requirements Compliance with the vision and budget of the event Combining out professionalism, based on the years of experience, energy, innovative ideas and creative elements with the requirements and needs of our corporate clients we can guarantee an effective result. KALINI LTD is represented by Ivona Avramova – Manager

Cash Credit

Cash Credit is a fintech institution, focused on providing necessary financial services to clients through innovative solutions and personal experience. For the past 10 years the company is a market leader in the non-bank lending in Bulgaria. This is the only company on the fast lending market with a wide office network and digital services in a strongly competitive online segment. Cash Credit is available everywhere: online, in an office, Viber, on the phone, with SMS. Only with an ID card and 6-minute approval, the client receives an ultrafast microcredit from BGN 100 until BGN 5000 – the quickest approval, offered at the moment on the credit market in the country. The company is developing successfuly several business lines – fast unsecured loans, consumer credits, credit assessment and services for customers of mobile operators. The most important for the company are the vision for the future and support for the environment. And the future is based on the literacy and financial education of people – the awareness of building a positive credit rating among borrowers is recognized as the personal mission of Cash Credit.

Callpoint New Europe EAD / TELUS International Europe

TELUS International Europe is a multilingual provider of digitally-enabled customer experience and business process solutions, delivering high-quality services since 2004. The company has more than 6,000 team members across six delivery centers in Sofia and Plovdiv (Bulgaria); Bucharest and Craiova (Romania). TELUS International Europe offers contact center solutions, IT and innovative customer service support for global customers in over 40 languages. The company is represented by Kristina Ivanova, Vice President of Operations.

Coca-Cola Bulgaria

Coca-Cola Bulgaria is the local subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company and opened its first office in Bulgaria in 1992. As owner of the brands bottled and distributed by Coca-Cola HBC in Bulgaria, the company is responsible for the marketing and execution strategies of the existing portfolio and the R&D of new innovative beverages. The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company, offering over 500 brands in more than 200 countries and territories. In addition to the company’s Coca-Cola brands, together with Fanta, Sprite and Schweppes, the portfolio includes some of the world’s most valuable beverage brands, offering soy-based beverages, ice tea, waters, smoothies, juices and nectars, coffee, sports drinks, smartwater, coconut water and so on.

The company is represented by Dora Strezova-Nikolova, CEO.

Komarevski, Dimitrov and Partners

Komarevski, Dimitrov and Partners is a team of attorneys with more than 10 years of joint experience, gained in innovative transactions, complex corporate advisory projects, lengthy court trials and hard work for multinational clients. The law firm applies the best international standards of professional integrity, thus making itself well suited to cooperate with top-notch multinational law firms and match the requirements of the most prestigious and exigent corporate clients. The team of attorneys in Komarevski, Dimitrov and Partners understands practicing law not only as giving particular and timely solutions to problems, but also as contributing to an environment where the rule of law is upheld in the best interest of our community. The law firm is represented by senior associate Mileslava Bogdanova-Misheva, attorney-at-law who is specialized in employment law, dispute resolution and personal data protection.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Bulgaria EOOD

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Bulgaria EOOD is part of the global network of Konica Minolta – a global brand for innovative business and IT solutions. The company was established in 2005 and is a market leader in Bulgaria. It is focused in the field of complete enterprise document and print process management solutions. Its product range includes digital professional printing machines suitable for printing and marketing agencies, and measuring instruments. In 2018 Konica Minolta Bulgaria expanded its portfolio with MOBOTIX videosurveillance systems. The smart cameras have a variety of applications, using innovative videoanalysis and event logic to identify threats and initiate defensive actions. The company is represented by Elena Drecheva-Vladimirova, Managing Director

Lidl Bulgaria EOOD

Lidl is the largest grocery chain in Europe, part of the German Schwarz Group and has been presented in 32 countries. In Bulgaria, Lidl started its business in 2010 and has nowadays 99 stores in 48 cities and nearly 2,700 employees, guaranteeing its customers excellent value for money and carefully selected assortment. The core of the company’s business model is the understanding of responsibility and sustainable development. Key priorities are the product and customer responsibility as well the responsibility to employees, business partners, environment and local communities. A strong focus is placed on regional products and the collaboration with Bulgarian suppliers. At CWBB the company is represented by its CEO – Mrs. Milena Dragijska.  


“M-Gaz EOOD” operates on the market of compressed natural gas in Bulgaria since 2006. It has 3 compressor stations, covering the territory of the country. The company specializes in deliveries of compressed natural gas and charging motor oil to cars, vans, buses and trucks. Even though the business field is typically male-dominated, in the team of M-Gaz 40% are women, and women  are in the majority of the leadership positions. The company is represented by Iliyana Yordanova, CFO.

MIT Press Ltd.

MIT Press Ltd. is a private Bulgarian company founded in 1998, part of VM Finance Group. PRODUCTS: Manager Magazine – the leading business publication in Bulgaria that covers topics on management, marketing and economics. The magazine aims to inform the public about the most innovative and effective practices in the field of business management, marketing, and technology. The informational website “Manager News” – objectively presents the latest news on operational management, marketing, and business in general, both locally and internationally. The informational website “” (Objects) – covers topics on science and technology, Earth and Space, world mysteries and enigma. The informational website “” (The New Parents) – shares the challenges and triumphs of parenthood. “Manager of the Year” Award Ceremony – a pioneering contest format that serves to recognize the achievements of senior management on local level. MIT Press is the only media in Bulgaria that is closely targeted to leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners. It protects their interests and supports their business performance. MIT Press is an independent and privately owned media house that abides by the Ethical Code of Bulgarian journalists and it is supported by own capital investments. The strong focus on readers is a key element for the long-term success of MIT Press and its organizational culture. General manager of MIT Pres is Denitsa Dimitrova.

KCM 2000 AD

KCM 2000 Group is one of the largest industrial holdings, built entirely with Bulgarian private equity. The Group is a key player in the economic life of the country, operating in the fields of mining, production and marketing of concentrates, non-ferrous metals and alloys, technological engineering and comprehensive industrial service. KCM is the largest producer of lead and zinc in Southeastern Europe. Continuous large-scale investments contribute to the sustainable development of the company. KCM’s extensive social responsibility program covers all spheres of life and aims to stimulate opportunities for development and good social life in Bulgaria. KCM 2000 Group is represented by Mariana Gurkopashova, Chief Human Resources Officer.

Мото-Пфое ЕООД

Мото-Пфое е една от най-рано създадените частни автомобилни компании, Дружеството е сред малкото все още действащи частни предприятия, възникнали в страната непосредствено след промените в България през 1989 година и, със сигурност, е най-старата фирмена група с предмет продажба и пълно, 360-градусово, обслужване на нови и употребявани автомобили у нас. С над 30-годишна история, основното разбиране в компанията винаги е било, че Клиентът с неговите нужди и желания за нас е №1. В момента Мото-Пфое е официалният дилър на Ford, Volvo, Jaguar и Land Rover. Има 19 представителства – собствени търговско-сервизни комплекси и дилъри – в 16 града на страната. Oт 2017 г. Мото-Пфое е част от глобалното семейство на СУМИТОМО КОРПОРАЦИЯ.

Мисия на Мото-Пфое Групата е: “Ние сме най-добрият екип в българската автомобилна индустрия! Превъзходното качество на нашите услуги и безграничният ентусиазъм от нашите продукти, ни вдъхновяват да постигаме изключително ниво на клиентско задоволство и да осигуряваме успеха на Мото-Пфое Груп!“ Историческата мисия никога не се променя, стига обществото да се нуждае от автомобили, въпреки че нуждатата от автомобил се превръща в нужда от услуга за мобилност. Накратко, мисия на групата е в това да осигуряваме най-доброто удовлетворение на клиентите в България. Визията на Групата е Създаване на дългосрочни клиенти в България, наричаме ги клиенти „за цял живот“.

Още от самото си създаване, групата на Мото-Пфое се стреми да е в полза не само на своите клиенти и служители, но и на обществото като цяло, с подкрепата на социални каузи, грижа за опазване на околната среда, съхраняване на природното и културно наследство, развитие на културата, изкуството и спорта.

Пред СЖББ се представлява от Емил Божков, Оперативен Директор

МЦ “Оксилайф”

МЦ “Оксилайф” дава възможност за извършване на специализирани диагностични и терапевтични медицински консултации. Центърът разполага с иновативна високо технологична апаратура с доказан ефект, базиран на регистрирани международни клинични проучвания. Част от апаратурата е уникална за България и Балканския полуостров. Състоянията при които можем да помогнем: Пост Ковид проблеми и усложнения; Репродуктивно здраве; Хронични заболявания; Поддържане на сърдечно-съдово здраве; Поддържане на имунно здраве; Поддържане на стомашно-чревно здраве; Лечение на възпаление; Остра и хронична болка; Мъжко и женско генитално и сексуално здраве; Стрес и бърнаут; Паник атаки; Безсъние; Акне и дерматологични проблеми; Наднормено тегло; Спортни травми; Рани В сдружение „Съвет на жените в бизнеса в България“ компанията се представлява от …

NAOS Bulgaria EOOD

Operating in more than 100 countries, NAOS is the 55th global beauty company in the world, and one of the leading independent companies in this field. NAOS created 3 brands inspired by ecobiology – BIODERMA, ESTHEDERM и ETAT PUR. The company is established in France in 1977 by Jean-Noël Thorel, pharmacist by education and innovator by heart who developed a completely different approach to dermo-cosmetics and put ecobiology at the service of dermatology. We believe that the beauty industry status quo isn’t a fatality, that the world is one large ecosystem that includes nature and humankind, that taking care of each other is our main responsibility. We believe that merely the intelligence of the heart can reveal human potential, that taking small steps every day creates great achievements. Mira Draganova, General Manager Balkan region  

Nestle Bulgaria AD

Nestle is the world’s largest food and beverage company. We have more than 2000 brands ranging from global icons such as MAGGI®, NESPRESSO® and NESCAFÉ®, to local favorites such as Mura®, LZ® и Zhiten Dar®, and are present in 190 countries worldwide. The history of Nestle in Bulgaria starts in 1994, when Nestle, the world’s largest food and beverage company, acquires ShZI Sofia. For 25 years Nestle Bulgaria AD has established itself as a strategic investor, reliable employer, trusted partner and socially responsible company, supporting many important causes related to the development of Bulgarian society. The company is a significant employer in the country’s food industry with close to 1,200 employees, and Nestle brands are preferred by many Bulgarian consumers, with leading positions in most segments which we operate in. The factory, which Nestle acquired 25 years ago, then producing only for the local market, is today a competitive chocolate factory across Europe and a competent Kit Kat production center exporting to more than 35 countries. Last but not least, Nestle Bulgaria is recognized as a socially responsible company with positive impact on balanced nutrition and active lifestyles, youth employment and development in Bulgaria and is strongly committed to protecting the environment. Evgeniya Stefanova, South East Market HR Business partner and Country Lead Bulgaria represented the company in CWBB

Park Lane Developments AD

Park Lane Developments is a leading commercial property company which develops and manages prime office real estate assets. Park Lane Developments is currently focused on the development of Park Lane Office Center, a Class A building, located in Sofia – right across metro station Vitosha and Paradise Center. The company is owned by AG Capital and Tanya Kosseva-Boshova. In the Council of women in business in Bulgaria the company is represented by Mrs. Tanya Kosseva-Boshova, managing partner of Park Lane Developments.

Престиж-96 АД

„Престиж-96“ АД е един от най-големите производители в хранително-вкусовата индустрия в България и пазарен лидер във всички категории, в които оперира: бисквити, вафли и мини кейкове с марките Траяна, Мираж, Хипер, Троя, Споко, Ная, Мюсли, 100% Power, Престиж Wellness и FRUNU с дял на продажбите в стойност от 23%. Продукти с марката на ПРЕСТИЖ се продават в 30 страни по целия свят. За ПРЕСТИЖ работят над 550 човека, за които повод за гордост е високата социална ангажираност на компанията с фокус върху децата и младите хора на България. Kомпанията провежда активна инвестиционна политика за изграждане на своите силни брандове и за разработване на иновации. Фирмата разработва продуктите си в собствени R&D лаборатории, сътрудничи си с международни експерти и технолози, работи със суровини на водещите производители в света. В Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България компанията се представлява от г-жа Дарина Стоянова, изпълнителен директор на ПРЕСТИЖ. Г-жа Стоянова е и един от учредителите на Съвета.  

Progress Software EAD

Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. The company set foot in Bulgaria at the end of 2014 after its acquisition of Telerik. The office in Sofia holds the largest number of employees worldwide and is a strategic innovation hub. Many of the innovations that Progress launches to the market and implements in its existing technologies are created here. In the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, Progress is represented by Maria Atanasova, Director of Human Capital for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Lilia Messechkova, Senior Director of Software Engineering. Both ladies are part of the company’s leadership team in Bulgaria.

Right Solutions OOD / Quintessentially

Quintessentially is a Private member’s club established in London at 2000 More than just a luxury concierge service, Quintessentially has built a 360-degree lifestyle offering dictated by the needs and wants of its members. In addition to providing bespoke access and day-to-day assistance, Quintessentially has teams in place to manage everything from Travel to Education to Art to Weddings to Home management. These in-house experts  take care of every aspect of the members’ lives, ensuring they’re engaged and experiencing the absolute best the world has to offer. This year Quintessentially successfully introduced Corporate and Business programs curated to save time and help the Management of the companies and / or employees to deal with the stress in the constantly changing environment The company is presented by Dimana Vasileva – Founder and Manager of Quintessentially for Bulgaria

Reward Gateway

Reward Gateway helps more than 1,800 of the world’s leading companies, in 23 countries, to connect, recognize and support their best people with an employee engagement platform that brings employee benefits, discounts and perks, recognition and reward, employee wellbeing, employee communications, and employee surveys into one unified hub.

We serve some of the largest businesses in the world and now have over 4 million registered users on our platform, and growing. We’ve been pursuing our Mission, to make the world a better place to work, for over 12 years now and have a talented team of over 400 people globally!

Reward Gateway is culture and client driven. We’re obsessed with putting the “Human” in HR and are proud to have been 100% dedicated to HR for over a decade.

Royal Engineering Ltd.

Royal Engineering Ltd. is a new generation construction company specializing in the construction of residential, office buildings and facilities, finishing works, repairs and specialized construction activities. The head of the company is Biliana Georgieva, managing partner. Royal Engineering Ltd. offers a full portfolio of services related to construction and investment processes: Construction of buildings and facilities, Finishing and repairs, Feasibility study, Management of construction and investment projects, Construction Management, Investor control, Construction supervision, Full engineering , Real estate consulting services.

Сайт Медия ЕООД

SiteMedia Consultancy е ПР агенция, специализирана в класически и иновативни комуникационни услуги. Сред клиентите на агенцията са компании като Coca-Cola HBC, Lidl, HP Inc, Telenor, Майкрософт, Heineken, Beiersdorf и други. Офисът на SiteMedia Consultancy се развива като Community&Event център и спечели награда „Най-креативно офис пространство”. През 2017г. SiteMedia Consultancy спечели 11 награди, както и второ място като Агенция на годината, на BAPRA Bright Awards. PR News определи SiteMedia Consultancy за едно от най-добрите работни места в ПР сферата за целия свят за две поредни години – 2018 и 2019. През септември 2019 г. SiteMedia Consultancy беше определена за Агенция на годината за целия свят на престижните Platinum PR Awards 2019.

Сименс ЕООД

Siemens е сред най-големите технологични компании в света – лидер в сферите на ‎електификация, автоматизация и дигитализация. В България е представена от края на ‎XIX век, а историята й е неразривно свързана с техническите нововъведения в страната – ‎от изграждането на телеграфната и телефонната мрежа и електрификацията на знакови ‎сгради до съвременни решения като най-екологичната електроцентрала с комбиниран ‎цикъл на производство, модернизацията на производствените процеси в индустрията, ‎интелигентните сградни технологии.‎ Днес “Сименс” ЕООД развива успешен бизнес в сферата на транспорта, индустрията, ‎енергетиката, сградните технологии. ‎ В СЖББ компанията се представлява от д-р инж. Боряна Манолова, главен изпълнителен ‎директор на Siemens за България. Тя е председател на УС на СЖББ.‎  

siemens logo


SumUp is a leading global financial technology company with over 3000 diverse employees from 80 countries. Our employees are driven by our vision to live in a world where everyone can build a thriving business. Founded in 2012 to innovate and disrupt the financial sector, we have evolved over the past 10 years to become a partner for small businesses and their preferred way of managing their financial transactions.We’re also committed to leveraging our success to make the world a better place. We have become a member of 1% for the Planet and pledged to donate 1% of the net revenue generated by Solo devices to support environmental, educational and entrepreneurial causes.

SumUp has been recognised as a Top Global Employer for LGBTQ+ and received the Bronze Award for commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace on the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index 2022.

SumUp is represented in the Council of Women for Business in Bulgaria by Elisaveta Tuncheva, Head of ERP, and Gergana Dimova, Tax Manager Europe.

Synevo Bulgaria

Our medical laboratory provides test with the highest laboratory quality in Bulgaria. Synevo Bulgaria is a subsidiary of the international healthcare organization Medicover. The Medicover group has been operating in Europe and Asia for over 25 years, and in Bulgaria this year Synevo is celebrating its tenth anniversary. During this time, we managed to strengthen our position as a loyal health care partner in the field of diagnostic services in the regions of Sofia, Plovdiv and Stara Zagora. In May, we opened our first laboratory in Burgas, with which we continue our territorial expansion and the goal of ensuring equal access to high-quality medical diagnostics for all Bulgarian patients. They are represented in the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria by Elitsa Docheva, Corporate Contracts Expert.

The Smarts OOD / The Smarts communication group

The Smarts communication group is Bulgarian independent group of agencies which provide insightful strategic planning and comprehensive client service, relentless creative work and effective digital communication, flawless BTL and film- production services, PR and media planning and buying. Creative solutions based on strong strategic planning and market knowledge are the key expertise of the group. For more than a decade the agency has been servicing big international brands as well as local companies. The agency has numerous awards for creativity on local festival FARA, as well as for effectiveness (Effie). The Smarts is the only Bulgarian advertising agency with 3 EPICA awards. The Smarts group members are also IQMedia, SHOOT, Paragraph 42 and Enthusiasm Creative Studio.

СМ Consulting EOOD

СМ Consulting is the first Bulgarian company offering trainings, workshops and consulting in the area of business etiquette, international protocol, presentation and communication skills, corporate image and business coaching. Kristina Krantcheva – Managing director  

Sofia France Auto AD

Sofia France Auto is a company with investments in the field of vehicle sale, servicing, leasing and insurance, import and distribution of spare parts. The company is the official importer of Peugeot, DS Automobiles and Piaggio Commercial in Bulgaria, as well as the official dealer of the Isuzu D-Max pickup trucks. Sofia France Auto is the major shareholder in the companies from the SFA Group – Auto Bavaria – dealer of BMW and Mini, in the company Isubus – importer of the Isuzu buses and in Italia Motors – importer of the Italian motorcycle brands – Vespa, Piaggio, Gilera, Moto guzzi and Aprilia. SFA Group also offers a variety of related services – own leasing through Leasing House Sofia Leasing, various types of insurance from SFA Broker, used vehicles through the SFA Occasion and Auto Promo. Represented by Nadiya  Bozhkova – Commercial Executive Director

Takeda Bulgaria EOOD

Takeda is patient-centric, research driven, global pharmaceutical company, which was founded more than 240 years ago in Japan. Currently Takeda is represented in more than 80 countries and regions worldwide. In Bulgaria the company opens its office in 2008. Takeda focuses its research and development efforts on four core therapeutic areas: Oncology, Hematology, Rare Diseases, Gastroenterology and Neuroscience, with targeted investments in Plasma-Derived Therapies and Vaccines. 

Takeda is represented by Elina Ruseva, Market access and external affairs manager.

УниКредит Булбанк АД

УниКредит Булбанк е една от водещите български банки, част от успешната паневропейска група УниКредит. Банката е лидер в кредитирането на реалната икономика и предпочитан партньор на бизнеса.  УниКредит Булбанк се утвърди и като банката с най-голямо доверие сред вложителите. Банката обслужва над един милион граждани и домакинства, частни клиенти, малки и средни предприятия, големи местни и международни компании и други. През 2019 година УниКредит Булбанк е обявена за най-добра банка в България от престижното международно издание Global Finance. Носител е и на призовете „Лидер в услугите за търговско финансиране в страната“ и „Пазарен лидер в услугите за търговско финансиране“ на Euromoney. Международният институт Top Employers обявява УниКредит Булбанк и за Най-добър работодател в България за трета поредна година. Представител на УниКредит Булбанк в Съвета на жените в бизнеса като член на Управителния съвет на организацията е Цветанка Минчева. Тя е директор Глобално банково обслужване и член на Управителния съвет на УниКредит Булбанк.

UniCredit Bulbank лого

УниКредит Консюмър

Основана през 2006 г., УниКредит Кънсюмър Файненсинг е водеща небанкова финансова институция с над 1.6 млрд. лв. активи, над  250 000 клиенти и  над 1 милиард отпуснати кредити годишно. Финансовите ни продукти се предлагат в над 2 600 търговски обекта в цялата страна и над 170 клона на УниКредит Булбанк. Освен в цифрите и развитието, ние вярваме във високата корпоративна култура, базирана на споделен набор от ценности, които ние прилагаме в отношенията си с нашите колеги, клиенти и доставчици. Важна роля за развитието на дружеството има Екатерина Кирилова. Тя е Главен Търговски директор на УниКредит Кънсюмър Файненсинг ЕАД и член на Управителния съвет, както и член на Съвета на жените в бизнеса в България.

School of business competences EOOD

School of business competences Ltd., School of business competences  provides trainings and consulting services with the aim of helping for more competent people and  organizations.  Its portfolio involves innovative business  courses. Since 2005 SBC trainings  were chosen by more than 150 Bulgarian and international companies and 5000 specialists. SBC issued over 1200 internationally recognized certificates for business competences in  Economics, Business planning, Management and Leadership and Project management (EBC*L, – A, B, C, ECM, PRINCE2, AGILE BA, AGILE PM). More than 30 successful projects were completed with a scope:  Business model design for products, solutions, services; Reengineering of business processes; Implementation of GDPR policies; Implementation of Project management processes; Implementation of Distance learning platforms.  Represented by Svetlana Drenska, PhD, CEO


FANTASTICO GROUP is a family business group incorporating a number of companies with different activities.

FANTASTICO supermarket chain, one of the leading retailers in Bulgaria, forms the largest share of the group portfolio. Under the FANTASTICO brand 45 modern supermarkets operate in Sofia, Bankya, Pernik, Elin Pelin, Kyustendil and Botevgrad. The FANTASTICO chain supermarkets are noted for their unique architecture, a huge variety of quality goods of Bulgarian and international producers and high-level services.

Part of FANTASTICO GROUP portfolio are also: SkyCity Mall, MegaXtreme Bowling, MyChoice restaurants, JoyStation, the Fast&Fit.

For its 31 years of existence FANTASTICO GROUP has established itself as a responsible investor, employer and business partner. 

More than 3,000 professionals are working in FANTASTICO GROUP. The major principle of the company is the continuous training and development of manpower. 

We in FANTASTICO GROUP believe that action brings changes, and the responsibility of business is to develop its activity in a resilient way. That is why the company promotes nature-friendly practices, supports local communities, vulnerable groups of society, projects in education, healthcare, culture and sports.

Festo Production EOOD

The Festo Group A responsible family-owned company and a global player in digitalization Festo, the world’s leading supplier of automation technology and technical education, is deploying its products and services to meet the challenge of smart production for the future in the course of digitalization. As a family-owned company, Festo thinks and acts responsibly and with a long-term perspective. Festo stands for clear values, utmost quality and customer-oriented innovation. Global Production Centre in Bulgaria specializes in the manufacturing of position sensors, connecting cables, controllers, fluid valves, valve modules and communication modules, employing over 890 highly qualified employees. Denitsa Borisova – Head of “Human resources and legal” Bisera Ivanova – Head of “Facility management and H&S Department”

Teach For Bulgaria Foundation

Teach For Bulgaria is a non-governmental organization, initiated and generously supported by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. Teach For Bulgaria has been operating since 2010 with the mission to provide equal access to high-quality education to every child in Bulgaria, regardless of where they live, which school they go to, their ethnic background, and their family’s socioeconomic status. Teach For Bulgaria recruits and carefully selects motivated, high-achieving professionals who come from different backgrounds. Within the two-year professional development and leadership program all participants go through intensive training and are directly supported in the classroom and in all aspects of their work with students from vulnerable communities in regions all over Bulgaria. The organization has built a strong community of current teachers and alumni, as well as key partners from all sectors in order to ensure long-term, sustainable access to high-quality education to every child in Bulgaria. 308 people have already completed the program and most of them pursue careers in education in the fields of school leadership, social entrepreneurship, public policy, etc. There are over 100 participants who started the 2018/2019 school year and they teach at partner schools located in 12 regions of Bulgaria. Teach For Bulgaria is part of the international network Teach For All whose approach is successfully adopted in over 50 countries on six continents.

Hewlett Packard GDBC EOOD

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the global edge-to-cloud Platform-as-a-Service company. The Global Delivery Bulgaria Center has been opened in 2006 and nowadays it is already a strategic core HPE site. Sofia employees are developing and delivering high complex end to end services and solutions to customer all around the globe. Maya Peycheva-Takeva, Bulgaria HR Manager represent Hewlett Packard Enterprise in the CWBB.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise operated by Selectium

Hewlett Packard Enterprise operated by Selectium is the Bulgarian business representative of the technological giant Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Since 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise operated by Selectium is responsible for all aspects of HPE’s business in the country and is responsible for delivering an exceptional customer and partner experience. Our company is enabling customers to use technology to slash the time it takes to turn ideas into value. Wherever our customers are on their digital transformation journey, we provide the technology and solutions to help them succeed.

Mariya Kosanova, managing director, is the company’s representative in CWBB.

CEZ Bulgaria EAD

CEZ Group operates on the Bulgarian energy market since the end of 2004, when the company ‎acquired a major stake in the three electricity distribution companies in Western Bulgaria.‎ The structure of CEZ Group in Bulgaria includes the electricity distribution company CEZ Distribution ‎Bulgaria AD, the company for public supply of electricity and a licensed trader CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD, ‎the licensed electricity trader for comercial customers CEZ Trade Bulgaria EAD. The activities of all ‎Group companies in Bulgaria are managed and coordinated by CEZ Bulgaria EAD.‎ More than 3000 employees with different educational backgrounds – electrotechnics, finance, ‎accounting, economics, etc., work at the CEZ Group companies in Bulgaria.‎ The company provides electricity to 2.2 million customers and maintains an electricity distribution ‎network with a total length of over 57,000 km.‎ Company representative at CWBB is Mrs. Evgenia Nakova, HR Director, CEZ Bulgaria EAD.‎

Shell Bulgaria EAD

Shell is a global energy company that aims to meet the growing global need for more and cleaner energy solutions in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible way. The company is present in over 70 countries worldwide and has more than 80,000 employees. Shell has been present on the Bulgarian market for over 30 years now and has a network of over 100 retail sites serving over 1 million customers every month. The company is among the most recognizable brands for customers thanks to its high-quality products and services and an innovative loyalty program. Shell has a leading role in the industry with its active position and contribution to the transition to a low-carbon future, its commitment to safety and Diversity Equity & Inclusion. The main values ​​of the company are honesty, integrity and respect for people.

Shell Bulgaria is represented in the Council of Women for Business in Bulgaria by Vanya Ivancheva, Country Chair and Kamelia Slaveykova, Chairman of the Board of Director

Ърнст и Янг България ЕООД

EY Bulgaria е международна консултантска компания с експертиза в областта на финансовите консултации и сделки.

В България EY предоставя услуги в сферата на одита, данъците, правото, корпоративните финанси и стратегически сделки като сливания и придобивания. Екипът на компанията наброява повече от 350 човека, а местното ръководство отговаря за развиетието и на бизнеса на EY в Албания, Косово и Северна Македония.‎


Women In Business