alumni club
The alumni club is established in 2020 based on the initiative of graduated participants of the Leadership Academy “We Succeed in Bulgaria” lead by the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB). The club aims to maintain constant contact between the participants, to implement mutual assistance through idea proposals, sharing of expertise, cooperative projects and partnerships, to monitor and promote their professional development and to promote communication and collaboration among them.
Creation of a community of graduates of the Leadership Academy “We Succeed in Bulgaria” part of CWBB. Maintaining constant communication between the participants – mutual support through idea proposals. Thematic discussions and sharing of expertise, cooperative projects and partnerships.
Members of the Alumni Club can be all graduates of the Leadership Academy who have successfully gone trough the membership application procedure, as well as all lecturers and trainers of the program. Members pay an annual membership fee in an amount determined by the Board of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria.
Membership in the Alumni Club is voluntary and does not exclude participation in other organisations.
If you have completed the Leadership Academy, the “Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion” Academy and the Development Lab, all organised by CWBB and want to become a member of the Alumni Club, please fill out and send the brief information card, which you can find here.
More information about the Internal Rules of the Alumni Club can be found here.
More information about the Code of Conduct for Alumni Club members can be found here.
Organisational Structure of the Alumni Club:
Members, Working Groups, Board of Directors
- Members are all graduates of the Leadership Academy, who have applied for participation through filling out a questionnaire.
- Members by right are all members of the Board of Directors of CWBB and all lecturers.
Member Rights:
- Voting for the Club Program
- Participating in the Working Groups of the Club
- Choosing a Chairman of the Club
- Board of Directors of the Alumni Club
Alumni Club Board of Directors
The chairmen of the different Working Groups, together with the elected Chairman of the Alumni Club, form the Board of Directors of the Club.
- Organises the activities of the club;
- Maintains contacts and organises meetings with the management of the Board of Directors of CWBB; to coordinate the program, implementing it, as well as other topics concerning the Club’s activities;
- Prepares Internal Rules and Code of Conduct;
- Coordinates the activities of the Working Groups in the areas of Alumni Ball, Day of Volunteering, LinkedIn community, Regular Meetings.