“Digitalization of HR Activities” was the topic of morning coffee with CWBB’s fifth edition

Dec 12, 2023Без категория0 comments

On December 5, the last edition of the networking format, Morning Coffee with CWBB, was held, and the topic was dedicated to the digitalization of HR activities. Mileslava Bogdanova, Head of the Law and Regulation working group at the Council, was the moderator and presented the topic, paying special attention to the transition to employment records and the introduction of the electronic workbook. Then the participants, divided into groups in break-out online rooms, had the opportunity to share practical experience and discuss related issues. One of the moderators of the groups, att. Ilya Komarewski, who participated for the first time in the Morning Coffee, said that he was impressed by the open and responsible attitude of the participants and the valuable discussions for sharing challenges and good examples from practice.

About format:

Morning Coffee with CWBB is a 60-minute online meeting with a dynamic program, which, in addition to presenting an interesting and useful topic, also includes short group discussions in break-out online rooms with a small number of participants. The goal of the program is to provide an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other and share experiences and ideas.





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