“Morning Coffee with CWBB” networking format’s new edition will be held on December 5

Nov 22, 2023Без категория0 comments

On Dec. 5, 2023, another edition of the new yet already successful networking format, Morning Coffee with CWBB, will be held. The topic which will be discussed by the members of the Council and the Alumni Club is the Digitalization of HR Activities and will be presented by Mileslava Bogdanova, Chair of the working Group, “Law and Regulations,” at the organization.

Morning Coffee with CWBB is a 60-minute online meeting with a dynamic program, which, in addition to presenting an interesting and useful topic, also includes short group discussions in break-out online rooms with a small number of participants. The goal of the program is to provide an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other and share experiences and ideas.

The upcoming edition of the meeting is organized jointly with the working group, Law and Regulations at CWBB.

Program (60 minutes):

Welcome 5 minutes
Important information from the Chair of CWBB about the organization’s activities and initiatives 10 minutes
Introduction to the topic, Digitalization of HR Activities, by Mileslava Bogdanova, Chair of the Working Group, “Law and Regulations” at CWBB 7 minutes
Your stories and challenges| discussions in virtual break-out rooms 30 minutes
Wrapup and main conclusions 8 minutes


In the first part of the meeting, Mileslava Bogdanova, Head of the Law and Regulation working group, will introduce the participants to the legal aspects of digitalization in employment relationships: from transitioning to electronic employment records to the introduction of the electronic workbook. After that, each participant will be assigned to a break-out online room with several other participants and a moderator. The discussions won’t be recorded, so that attendees feel in a safe environment to share. The moderator will lead the discussion and will observe the opportunity for each participant to contribute. After the break-out online rooms discussions end, all participants will move to the common “room” for wrap-ups and conclusions.

How to prepare

To make sure that you will have the opportunity to actively participate in the discussions during the meeting, please think in advance on the following questions:

  • Do you use solutions for digitizing employment records and HR processes? If so, what challenges do you face in the process? If not, are you considering taking such steps?
  • Do you provide the opportunity to work remotely for employees? If yes, what difficulties do you identify in administering labor relations and how do you handle them?

The participants can share the challenges they face, as well as the good practices they use.

Invite your colleagues from your HR department to join the meeting.

Registration for participation

Participation in Morning Coffee with CWBB is free, but requires pre-registration here by Dec. 1, 2023.



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