
[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h2″ extra=””]Meetings of the Council of Women in Business (2014−2015)[/heading]


[heading icon=”fa-calendar” type=”standard” size=”h3″ extra=””]Meetings 2016:[/heading]

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of The Council of women in business in Bulgaria and Mr. DidieR StoESsel – Main Executive Director of Nova Broadcasting Group[/heading]

In September special guest at The Council was Mr. Didie Stoessel. The meeting with the Main Executive Director of Nova Broadcasting Group sparked a discussion at the trends of the modern media development and the intersection between media content and audience expectations.
Part of the conversation included advises he gave to the managers for their behavior during media interviews. He made particular reference to the crisis communication and to the crisis situations behavior – what would it be to minimize the potential negative impact on the image of a company.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Council of women in business meeting with Medea Loncar – chief executive officer of Siemens Slovenia[/heading]

During August the special guest of the Council was Mrs Medea Loncar – Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Slovenia. Her huge professional experience was the base of interesting and fruitful discussion, the main question which the attendees of the meeting discussed with Mrs Loncar was the balance between professional and personal life. Medea Loncar shared specific manager situations of her daily business routine and also the ways she’s dealt with challenges connected with them. She also gave concrete advice to the ladies on how to improve the balance between their work and personal life.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Temenuzhka Petkova[/heading]

The minister of energy in the 43th National Assembly of Bulgaria Temenuzhka Petkova talked about her personal and professional path, about the difficulties and challenges that she had experienced throughout the years as a head of one of the most important state departments, during the traditional for CWBB lunch with prominent representatives of the politics, business and non-governmental sector.
Members and friends of The Council attended the event and discussed a wide variety of questions related to the energy infrastructure, the investments in the sector, the liberalization of the energy market, the diversification of energy supply. Minister Petkova shared what were the measures her team had taken in order to improve the performance in the sector and announced the future projects, initiated by the ministry.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of women in business in Bulgaria with representatives of European parliament and European commission[/heading]

During the visit at European Parliament and European Commission in June 2016, the delegation of the Council of women in business met the Vice President of EC and Euro Commissioner for the Budget and Human Resources – Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva.
The main discussion was focused on equal rights for both genders. Mrs. Georgieva emphasized that equal rights is a guarantee for the increased effectiveness of European institutions and shared that one of the EC’s goals in relation to that is to have nearly 40% of representatives on high management level to be women until 2019.
The theme of equal rights was the main topic during the other higher level meetings of the Council’s program for their two-days-visit in Brussels. They had an opportunity to have discussions with Vice President of EP Mairead McGuinness, euro-congresswomen Martina Dlabajova and Angelika Niebler, the chairwoman of equal rights between genders’ network of ALDE Flo Clucas, Euro Commissioner of Inner Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Business – Mrs. Elzbieta Bienkowska.
The visit of the Council of women in Business in Brussels was organized by invitation from Euro-Congresswomen Maria Gabriel and Eva Paunova (ENP), Filiz Hyusmenova and Iskra Mihailova (ALDE).

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of The Council of women in business in Bulgaria and the President of the National Assembly MRs. Cecka Cacheva.[/heading]

In March The Council of Women in Business met with The President of the National Assembly Mrs. Cecka Cacheva. The topic of the conversation was “The women in politics and business” involving women–representatives of various parliamentary groups.
After the presentation of current projects, Mrs. Tsacheva congratulated the ladies on striving to attract and involve young people in the initiatives which they implement thereby showing them the opportunities for real career options and development in Bulgaria. The members of the Council and the deputies largely agreed on the idea that the investments in education and increasing qualification levels are important priorities for our country.
In the end of the meeting The President of The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria Dr. Eng. Boriana Manolova awarded Mrs.Tsacheva with a Certificate of an honourable membership.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Council of women in Business meeting with Mrs Eileen Wilkinson – regional vice-president of Shell[/heading]

The topic of equality between women and men was the focus of the Council’s meeting with Mrs Eileen Wilkinson – Regional Vice-President of Shell’s “Output” division. She presented the initiatives of her company, connected with guaranteed equal opportunities for both genders, including different social acquirements, flexible work time, assistance in returning to work after giving birth to a child in the family, special mentor and leader programs. Mrs. Eileen Wilkinson shared her belief that changing the public attitude in connection with gender roles is at the base of achieving equality. She also pointed out the role and support of family, as a very important factor to the professional advancement of women.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting between the Council of women in business and Mrs. Maria Gabriel – euro-congresswoman, two-time winner of the prize “Euro deputy of the year”[/heading]

In February 2016 official guest of the Council was Mrs. Maria Gabriel – Euro-dePuty, Coordinator of ENP in Commission of Equal Rights Between Genders, part of European Parliament. She is also a two-time winner of the award “Euro-deputy of the year.
The meeting was base for discussion of important themes like equal rights for women in business and politics, equal rights on payments, proposing good terms for development of educated Bulgarian youth, programs against home violence that Maria Gabriel is currently working on.
During the meeting Mrs. Gabriel was accepted as an honorable member of the Council of women in business in Bulgaria.


[heading icon=”fa-calendar” type=”standard” size=”h3″ extra=””]Meetings in 2015:[/heading]

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Kristalina Georgieva[/heading]

The Council of Women in Business will meet with Kristalina Georgieva, named “Commissioner of the Year” and “European of the Year” in the annual awards of the electronic edition of European Voice. Her experience as a European Commissioner, sustainability expert and vice president of the World Bank will be useful for the fruitful dialogue on building successful practices in women’s career development and empowerment.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Lilyana Pavlova[/heading]

Lilyana Pavlova, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, will share her experience as a woman in politics with the Council of Women in Business in 2015. She was the first woman to be appointed Minister of Construction since 1878. Her extensive experience in managing projects includes working as a Department Head at the National Fund Directorate at the Ministry of Finance (Financial management, control and certification of EU funds), an expert at the National Fund Directorate at the Ministry of Finance, and financial manager of PHARE BG 9315 “Training program for managers”, among others.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Irina Bokova[/heading]

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova will be a guest at one of the forthcoming meetings of the Council of Women in Business. Her professional experience in the field of politics includes her positions as Deputy Minister (1996) and Minister (1996-1997) of Foreign Affairs from the ticket of BSP in the cabinet of Zhan Videnov, Ambassador to France and Monaco, and Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to UNESCO.

[heading icon=”fa-calendar” type=”standard” size=”h3″ extra=””]Meetings held in 2014:[/heading]

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Levon Hampartzoumian, CEO and Chairman of UniCredit Bulbank[/heading]

Levon Hampartzoumian, CEO and Chairman of the MB of UniCredit Bulbank, is also the chairman of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria (ABB) and member of the Board of Directors of BORIKA. He is currently a board member of the Institute for Market Economics, Chairman of the Trustees of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, member of the Board of Trustees of the Higher School of Insurance and Finance, and member of the Board of Trustees of the City University of Seattle in Bulgaria. Levon Hampartzoumian is also Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG).

In 2014, he met with the Council of Women in Business to discuss the development and promotion of professional values ​​in civil society, education, science, culture, art and technology. During the meeting were discussed ways to support the return of young professionals to Bulgaria.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Ekaterina Zaharieva, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and investment planning in the caretaker government of prof. Georgi Bliznashki[/heading]

Ekaterina Zaharieva is a former Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works in the cabinet of Boyko Borisov and Chief Secretary to the President in the period January 2012 − March 2013. From March to May 2013 she was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works in the 88th Government of the Republic of Bulgaria. On May 29, 2013, by presidential decree of Rosen Plevneliev, Ekaterina Zaharieva was appointed Chief of Cabinet of the President.

During the meeting between Ekaterina Zaharieva and the Council of Women in Business the focus was on the increase of the support for projects and initiatives that aim to establish in business and develop successful professionals in various fields.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Antonella Giachetti, national vice president of AIDDA (Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Italy)[/heading]
Antonella Giachetti is a national vice president of the professional organization of women in business AIDDA, which has been operating in Italy since the early 1960s. AIDDA is an organization that was established with the aim of promoting equal labor rights for women. Nowadays, in a changing environment, the role of AIDDA has shifted more towards a public recognition of the abilities of women. Furthermore, AIDDA works for the establishment of a new way of doing business and the greater impact of women in business on the government and public decisions.

At the meeting with the Council of Women in Business, Ms. Giachetti presented the mission, values ​​and projects of AIDDA. Moreover, possible joint activities between AIDDA and the Council of Women were also discussed, to support and develop a productive partnership in the future.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia[/heading]

[paragraph extra=””]Yordanka Fandakova is the first woman to hold the position of Mayor of Sofia. Prior to taking this position in November 2009, Yordanka Fandakova was Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality for culture, education, sport and addiction prevention (2005−2009) and Minister of Education, Youth and Science (from July 27, 2009).
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Sharing best practices on how a woman can successfully manage a large organization and also support its development and that of its employees was the main focus of her meeting with the Council of Women in Business in 2014. She shared her professional experience and exchanged ideas with the ladies of the Council on how the best practices in the career development of women in Bulgaria can be established and promoted.

[heading icon=”” type=”standard” size=”h4″ extra=””]Meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Violina Marinova, Chairman and CEO of DSK Bank.[/heading]
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Violina Marinova, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of DSK Bank, has had an extensive experience in the banking sector at various management positions at DSK Bank for more than 40 years.
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Violina Marinova is Deputy Chairman of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Pension Insurance Company DSK Rodina, and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bankservice.
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During the meeting of the Council of Women in Business with Violina Marinova, a discussion was held about the possibilities for the development of programs to promote the career prospects of women in business and their growth in leadership positions.

Women In Business