The Incredible Us Mentorship Program with an Intermediate Event

ное. 1, 2022News0 коментари

We discussed the excellent results achieved so far in the mentorship program,  The Incredible Us by HPE and the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria, at an interimediate event that took place on October 31 at the Kambanite Business Center.

Maya Peycheva-Takeva, member of the CWBB Management Board, and Mario Garbeshkov, Executive Director of GDC at HPE in Bulgaria and executive sponsor of HPE Women at Work, welcomed the participants. Dora Strezova, CEO of Coca Cola Company, member of the CWBB Management Board and mentor in this year’s edition of the program, talked about mentoring as a prerequisite for success. At the end of the event, Tsveti Mincheva, Chair of the CWBB Management Board, who was a mentor in the first edition of the initiative, also congratulated the participants.

The event was a great opportunity for the participants of the program, along with friends and like-minded people, to meet again, share ideas and experience, recharge and inspire, as well as talk about the progress achieved.


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Women In Business